4th of July Musical Fun!

Fourth of July Musical Fun! Preschool children love the fun and excitement of the Fourth of July, and patriotic music is a big part of the festivities! Here are some ways to include patriotic music in your celebration in a developmentally appropriate way. He Called It Macaroni – I can’t take credit for this idea, […]

Two Favorite Spanish/English Stories

Two Fun Spanish/English Stories I hope you’re reading picture books about different cultures to your class often, and not just on cultural or national holidays. But with Cinco de Mayo coming up, I’m reminded of two of my favorite Spanish/English stories. “Counting Ovejas” by Sarah Weeks is very simple and suitable for all pre-K age […]

A Leave-Out-the-Words Song for George Washington

In the olden days, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln each had their own birthday, like regular people. Since their birthdays were so close, though, they graciously agreed to celebrate them on the same day in honor of three-day weekends. Nowadays we remember these great presidents by sleeping late and shopping. This song is a leave-out-the-words, […]